Avoiding Homeowners Associations
Although finding homes with no HOAs often results in a list of very old homes in neighborhoods from before the advent of Homeowner's Associations, there are newer homes to be found too. Browse through the MLS listings on this website and you'll be pleasantly surprised by the options available.
It is important to note that although a home might not be located in an HOA neighborhood, it still might be bound by CC&Rs of the previous owners (for instance, in the event of lot splitting, etc), or by zoning restrictions of the municipality in which it is located. Living in a non-HOA subdivision does not necessarily give you carte blanche to do whatever you want with your property. When buying a home without a homeowners association, use your inspection period to perform due diligence on what rules may apply to your potential new real estate. Save yourself from headaches later.
Ready to see Homes with no HOA?
The button to the right will take you to an MLS list of homes for sale in Arizona that does not have a Homeowners Association. There's actually quite a lot. Check it out --->
Search Specific Cities, Towns, or Counties for Homes For Sale in Arizona without HOAs.
Phoenix North Valley
Cave Creek
Fountain Hills
Paradise Valley
Phoenix Northwest Valley
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